
This sector was established in 2000 in order to provide services to employees and members in all companies and institutions which provide services to the society such as water and sanitation, goverrnment boards, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), private schools and hosipitals, Non-govenmental Organizations (NGOs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and workers in the informal economy.


1. Organizing and recruiting new members

2. Negotiating for better Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs)

3. Representing members in labor disputes at all stages

4. Linking workers to social security funds

5. Networking with Gloabal Union Federations (GUFs)

6. Providing education on enterpreneurship to the members

7. Connecting members in the informal economy with financial institutions to access soft loans

8. Organizing informal workers (formalizing the informal economy, ILO recommendation 204)